Chapter Awards


We currently recognize and present the following three awards:

DAR Good Citizens Award:
DAR Good Citizens Awards are given to outstanding local high school seniors for their contributions to their communities and schools, and exhibit the qualities of a good citizen: Dependability, Service, Leadership and Patriotism.

DAR Community Service Award:
This award recognizes worthy residents, from a variety of walks of life, for voluntary achievements in cultural, educational, humanitarian, patriotic, historical, and citizenship endeavors, or in environmental conservation.

DAR American History Awards:
High school seniors are chosen for their proficiency in American history and overall academic character. Certificates and bronze medals are presented to the winners.

Community Activity:

Members of the Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter are active in the community in many ways. In June of each year, we have a program on Flag Day, where we collect donations earmarked for a local veterans group. We also collect tattered flags to be brought to our local American Legion for proper disposal. We are also involved with another program we call, “DAR and Donuts”, in which we serve coffee and donuts to veterans on Veterans Day each November. In February, we make Valentines and collect toiletries that we pass out to veterans who reside in local nursing homes or the VA Hospitals. Members are involved in supporting local veterans groups such as veterans hospitals, the VFW, and the American Legion.

Genealogy is also a chapter activity in which we encourage members to attend workshops a few times a year. Members are active in preserving important historical documents, including preserving the historical documents within our chapter.

Regardless of our individual interests, we have all come together and developed lifelong friendships, with a common goal: to promote the ideals of patriotism and the love our country.

Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter is honored by the Derby Historical Society:

General David Humphreys Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Society meeting and luncheon was held on September 19, 2010, at the General David Humphreys House. The SAR and Derby Historical Society announced that the house behind the David Humphreys House, which is used as their administrative offices, is now officially named the Sarah Riggs Humphreys House.

2021 Awards:

  • NSDAR Chapter Achievement Award Level I for 2021
  • NSDAR Luminary Challenge Shimmer Award, which was given to Chapters for a 5% increase in membership and resignations/drops of 3% or less.
  • NSDAR 100% Participation—President General’s Project
  • CTDAR State Chair Award for Outstanding Print Coverage
  • CTDAR for Outstanding Chapter Newsletter
  • NORTHEAST DIVISION award for Outstanding Service – Constitution Week
  • NORTHEAST DIVISION individual award recognizing Mary Rozsa for Outstanding Service – Constitution Week

2020 Awards:

  • Citation for Outstanding Accomplishments in Attaining Chapter Achievement Award Level 1 for 2020.
  • Citation for being the National Bronze Winner of the American Spirit Magazine Subscription Award in 2020.
  • National Constitution Week Committee awarded the Northeast/National award for Chapter with the Most Proclamations from City Governments – June 2020
  • C.A.R. Committee presented a Northeastern Division citation for Outstanding Service Overall Support of C.A.R Certificate in June 2020.
  • C.A.R. Committee presented Christy Hendrie with a Northeastern Division citation for Outstanding Overall Support of C.A.R Certificate in June 2021.
  • Citation for 100% Participation in the President General’s Project Rise and Shine for America in March 2021.

2019 Awards:

  • Citation for Outstanding Accomplishments in Attaining Chapter Achievement Award Level 1 for 2018.
  • Community Classroom Committee award for Outstanding Success Story – June 2019.
  • National Constitution Week Committee presented the Northeast/National award for Excellence in Constitution Week Leadership for Chapter and Community – June 2019
  • National Constitution Week Committee also awarded the Northeast/National award for Chapter with a Proclamation from the City Government – June 2019
  • DAR Good Citizens Committee presented Kyle Beck the Northeastern Division for the DAR Good Citizen Award.  Kyle went on to win at the National level.  June 2019
  • DAR Museum Outreach Committee presented an Outstanding Service Certificate to Christy Hendrie for Correspondent Docent-in-Training for the Northeastern Division- June 2019
  • DAR Project Patriot Committee presented our Chapter Northeastern Division – certificate for Outstanding Chapter Support – June 2019
  • The Flag of the USA Committee presented our Chapter Northeastern Division – a certificate to our Chapter for Flag Literature – June 2019
  • The Public Relations and Media Committee presented two awards to our Chapter.  One for First Place for our Chapter Newsletter for the Northeast Division, and one for Second Place at the National level – June 2019.